Advocating for yourself

What do you want?

Think of your needs for accessibility

Who can give it to you?

Policies, agencies, admin staff

What do they need to hear?

Focus on IMPACT and RISK. Offer SOLUTION

Who do they need to hear from?

YOU, an Advocate or VEOHRC

How do they need to hear it?

Put everything in written, an Advocate or VEOHRC

Scenario A | Problem: Deaf child cannot access remote learning due to inaccessible online content/classes

Step 1: What do you want?

  • Auslan interpreter for all class online meetings, captions or transcripts for all video content

Step 2: Who can give it to you?

  • School: Classroom Teacher, Year Level Coordinator, Principal, Student Support Group
  • All else fails VEOHRC to commence a conciliation process

Step 3: What do they need to hear?

  • Focus on IMPACT – impact on the child’s learning if they don’t have accessible tolls, child’s mental health
  • Focus on RISK – risk to the child and to the school breaking the law: several laws protect right to education: Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic), the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) and also the Disability Standards for Education 2005 (Cth)
  • Offer the SOLUTION – tell them what you want to happen now – interpreters at all online class meets, captions or transcripts on video materials etc

Step 4: Who do they need to hear it from?

  • YOU
  • May need to engage an advocate or VEOHRC

Step 5: How do they need to hear it?

  • Put everything in writing
  • VEOHRC, or an advocate
  • Deaf Victoria advocacy service can
    assist you to raise your issue or make a complaint.

Scenario B | Problem: No interpreter at my hospital appointment

Step 1: What do you want?

  • An Auslan interpreter for all future appointments

Step 2: Who can give it to you?

  • What’s the hospital policy? Healthcare Charters of Rights?
  • Medical Receptionist? Interpreter Booking Officer? Patient Advocate/Social Worker?
  • All else fails VEOHRC to commence a conciliation process

Step 3: What do they need to hear?

  • Focus on IMPACT – impact on you, doctor, hospital
  • Focus on RISK – to you, doctor and hospital
  • Offer the SOLUTION – tell them what you want to happen now – interpreters at all further appointments

Step 4: Who do they need to hear it from?

  • You
  • Complaints/feedback mechanisms

Step 5: How do they need to hear it?

  • Put everything in writing
  • Deaf Victoria advocacy service can assist you to raise your
    issue or make a complaint.

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